Thursday, January 5, 2012

ASK: Ask, Seek, & Knock

Ask and you shall receive...
Seek and you shall find...
Knock and it will be answered...

Which of these would you do when in need?

Most ppl would ask.
Most Independent will seek.
Most matured will Knock.

Some say its all the same thing but is it really?
Here we have 3 quotes that sound just abt the same
as you read each of them. Each is pertaining to an equal
outcome but yet the work is different.

The questioned will ask only because he knows not of the source. So he ask so he may receive.

The seekers know of the source but yet knows its full capabilities. So they go look and search for their answer.

The Knocker know who and where to find the source. So he goes straight to it.

Yet the work is different but the reward is the same. It doesn't matter where you are in God or your relationship; just get to know him for yourself. In all the same he will answer, find, and invite just the same. God knows your heart and he wants to fix it if only you will draw near unto him. He hears your questions just as well as the knock and he will answer the door just as well as he allows you to receive.

The work might be different but it all manifest in to one source...


Dzy LilBishop